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Elina 15 SLC -It not so fun to have a cast when it´s cold outside - 13 min

Elina is dressed up in hot Freddy Wraps pants and beautiful Canada Snow boots, she’s crutching towards a park in her hometown with her right leg casted in a pink SLC after falling from the stairs three weeks ago. Elina is very hurt and still needs to be very alert when she’s going out for walks like these. She crutches slowly as the park is wet and dirty, so she’s scared that she might fall. Elina’s casted foot is seen from the front sometimes and other times it’s from the back. She tries to find a bench to sit on but everything’s wet so she has to sit on the handle which was pretty uncomfortable so Elina kept on crutching. She’s crutches and crutches as the park seems to never end, the cameraman then asks her about how she got hurt so Elina tells her story shortly before heading back towards the car. The way there is made out of cobblestone and is a little hard to crutch on as the rain makes them pretty slippery. She then makes it back to the car safely and gets inside. 

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