Ice bored out of just sitting all day long waiting for time to pass by so Ice picked her crutches up and went for a quick walk while her leg is broken and casted in a huge white LLC. Right now Ice is seen crutching gently around the school that she attended to when she was a little kid. Ice looks her ways around as he feels very nostalgic being here, she stops once in a while to check her hands as they hurt a little because of all the crutching. Very good views of her casted leg is seen all the time during the entire clip, exclusive closeups are filmed very closely during the time she sits down for her breaks as well. As she gently rubs her hands on the casted leg and shows up her white classy pedicure. After a long rest Ice had to crutch back home again to prepare for the coffee meet, she says that it’s very exhausting for her to hold the cast up all the time because she’s not wearing heels today. Ice takes one last break as closeup of her casted foot is recorded before the clip ends as well.