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Isabella 1-10 Term SLC - I´m not tired yet so i crutch on - 10 min

Isabella is on a weekend trip to Spain and is currently casted in a white SLC, she’s at the moment crutching by the water doing a little sightseeing around town. The weather is great so Isabella wears a cute little top together with black shorts. She crutches slowly and stops a little all the time, until she got tired of just crutching on the same path. Isabella crosses over the road to get to the other side where there’s a little more things to look at. It’s a beautiful day and Isabella is enjoying her little sightseeing, the palm trees are seen pretty much everywhere, which makes it look a little exotic. Although Isabella is hurt she still wants to continue to crutch even further, the camera follows her for a very long way. Haven’t she had enough yet?? It’s getting tiring to follow her around, can she not be exhausted. Then finally she stops, thank God for that. An amazing close up is coming up right away. 

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