Midnight went to see an old castle on her way home from work today, her right foot is sprained but she’s been okay the whole day at work so what could go wrong, right? Turns out that a lot could go wrong, the castle is so big and the roads are made out of cobblestone. It’s turned out to be too much burden for midnight who has to crutch around, she’s sitting down totally gutted and is currently resting her feet’s for a while. Midnight changes one of her socks and looks at the way back to the car with a bothered face, her hands hurts so much now. She doesn’t say a word as she starts crutching that direction, Midnight is saving her last energy right now. She’s not even close to the car but has to stop already because of the pain in her palms, after she gathered some more strength Midnight gives it another shot and starts to crutch towards the car once again. She let the tip of her toes down to the ground and very slightly walks with her bad foot to help herself survive the last part that’s left.