It’s summer and Miss Metnal had some very bad luck when she broke her leg the other day at a beach party. Now a few days later she can finally manage to crutch a little, but her hurt leg is still casted in a black SLC and will be for a couple of months from now. Miss Metnal is outside to practice her crutching skills today around a beautiful park, she crutches for a while then stops suddenly to put her casted foot down to the ground, Miss Metnal stands there for a minute and tries to endure her pain. She then starts to crutch forwards on her own while the camera giver her some space, looking very spectacular in that black miniskirt she’s wearing. Her cast is seen from a very good view as well, Miss Metnal crutches to the edge to have a good look over the city from above, now she’s finally feeling a bit better! She stretches out both of her arms in the air as a happy gesture while she’s standing there leaning towards the wall. After she’s had a good look Miss Metnal now wants ice cream and crutches towards the ice cream bar.