Poor Nomie is at the park right now with a couple of her friends as she practices walk with her cylinder cast, It’s very challenging to her surprise and Nomie can literally not do anything other than taking very small steps at a time, as lifting the heavy cast turned out to be way too hard. Even though she can walk with her foot it doesn’t make her everyday life easier at all, now she has to walk around holding her casted leg slightly tilted out as she limps. Despite the bad walking and the casted leg, Nomie is still slaying in her blue short sundress. As Nomie continues to walk little by little without having to take any breaks yet, her walking gets a little better and better by time, she gets happy and laughs a bit until it gets hard yet again. Nomie lays her hand on her casted leg as she use the crutch to support herself, she now needs to take a short break by the side as she sighs deeply in pain and exhaustion.