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Norina 2209-5 SLC - At the mal with my friend Lucy - 10 min

Norina is filmed from a distance as she waits for her friend to get at the cafeteria, when her friend finally got their drinks she went on to the side and let Norina lead the way. Norina is crutching because of her injured leg which is casted in a blue SLC underneath of her elegant choice of pants. Norina sits down for a minute to sip on her drink while the camera moves away a bit and lets the girls have their own moment. Norina is seen from far away when she’s done and grabs her crutches to start crutching once again. She crutches towards the camera to take the lead again and starts to crutch a little bit in the front so that her casted foot is seen nicely from behind. Norina goes into a store to do a quick shopping and returns as quickly out as soon as she’s done looking, she and her friend now crutches and walks together while they small talk a little on the way. Norina is very happy to have good friends like this. She continues to crutch through the entire mall until the very end. 

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