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Penelope 85 SLC - Crutching with my SLC in the nice summer weather - 9 min

Penelope is dressed up in a gorgeous summer dress as she’s on her way to dine with some of her friends today, but it’s not going very fast because, after she fell from a chair last week her right foot broke immediately. So now Penelope is crutching to the car slowly with her foot still very hurt and casted in a black SLC. As Penelope crutches she gets tired pretty early on the way and stops every once in a while to rest for a second or two. The third time she stops for a little longer and puts her casted leg up on one crutch as a closeup zooms in on her beautifully casted foot as is dangling in the air. When Penelope was done taking her break she continues to crutch but yet again stops very often to rest on her way. She must be very hurt still and it’s her first week crutching as well, her hands must her so sore. She crutches towards a bench for one last break and lays her casted foot up on the bench as she does her hair real quick. After a nice shoot of casted foot in a closeup from various of angles it’s now time to keep on crutching before it gets way too late. Penelope then finally sees the car and slowly gets inside with her bum going in first. 

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