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Tila 17 SLC - What can i find in this store? - 10 min

Tila is going to the mall today to look for some gifts for her kid’s birthday, she parks her car in the garage and heads towards the elevators that will take her to the stores. Tila is crutching because her left leg is broken at the moment, and it’s even casted in a white pointy SLC underneath of her elegant dress. As Tila rides the elevator there’s a good view of her casted foot resting in top of the good foot. And then it’s time to let the shopping begins, Tila crutches through the grocery store and starts to look for fun stuff, she stops every now and then to look at things while there’s plenty of people shopping today as well. Tila didn’t find anything yet and comes across a chair which she took her chances to rest on for a second. Tila the continues to crutch carefully through the store to see if she could find a cake at least. 

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