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Zandy 2 SLC - 13 min

We meet Swedish blond girl with blue eyes Zandy, nearby Stockholm, for the first time. She is having a pink short leg cast on and we see her with her high sneaker together with shorts. She crutches nearby a school, because she wants to show us, where she went to school, when she was younger.

We see Zandy crutching again and later finds a bench to rest on again. It’s very though for Zandy and her hands already hurts after a little bit. Poor girl, who needs to use crutches because of her clumsiness. But she can’t resist taking a lot of pictures on her casted leg, while resting. She doesn’t tell everybody else, but somehow, she likes it a little bit, the struggle and wants us all to feel so sorry and bad for her. Maybe because she wants us to pity her and help her out?

She gets up again and continues to crutch along a path in between some trees. She then comes back to the schoolyard and crutches right through the yard. She stops for a min and takes up her leg in the air, with the help of the crutch and the camera zooms in on the cast and toes. She then continues her journey, getting back to the path and then over the schoolyard, before arriving to the car again.

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